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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Katy Perry is launching her new fragrance

Katy Perry Pictures at Takes Her Purr-fume to Cologne

In Cologne, Germany was Katie Perry to launch a new perfume that advertises the name Purr and earlier had stops in Brussels. In a statement to the twitter Katie Perry stated that loves Brussels. Specifically, the singer wrote on twitter «Brussels ... I spent so beautiful! I filled my vehicle with cheese, waffles, chocolate and beer ... ".......

Katy Perry is launching her new fragrance

Katy Perry PicturesKaty Perry is launching her new fragranceKaty Perry is launching her new fragranceKaty Perry PicturesKaty Perry is launching her new fragrance

Katy Perry Pictures

Katy Perry Pictures

Katy Perry Pictures

Katy Perry Pictures

Katy Perry Pictures

Katy Perry Pictures


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